crime You will be helped! Research using real-world situations fails to replicate the "bystander effect" Cory Doctorow
Bystander Effect No one stopped this museum visitor from removing a painting from the wall and walking out with it Mark Frauenfelder
police News media sues over Louisiana law making it a crime to be within 25 feet of a cop Rob Beschizza
law NYC subway killing: bystanders share their stories of watching Daniel Penny choke Jordan Neely Elías Villoro
Business Amazon's plan for traffic deaths from same-day delivery: deflect blame to anonymous subcontractors Cory Doctorow
security Baltimore police respond to report they secretly spied on city with aerial surveillance tech from Iraq War Xeni Jardin
corruption Snowden for drones: The Intercept's expose on US drone attacks, revealed by a new leaker Cory Doctorow