Technology Try Bouncing Beholder, a complete platform game in just 1,024 bytes of code Ellsworth Toohey
Sir David Attenborough A hilarious and educational look at the symbiotic relationship between tree shrews and pitcher plants: "This Tree Shrew is Shitting!" Jennifer Sandlin
photography Watch unsuspecting creatures fall prey to a Venus flytrap in this gorgeous, time-lapse video Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets Save an extra 15% off these 15 tools, garden accessories, and growing kits Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets Get your spring garden started with growers and other accessories, now on sale Boing Boing's Shop
carnivorous plants The Texas Triffid Ranch is a real gallery specializing in carnivorous plant life Thom Dunn