Musical instruments Check out this cool Japanese guitar from the 80s with a built-in cassette player Thom Dunn
anime Supercut of cassettes, CRTs, Game Boys, answering machines, and other retro tech in 1980s and 90s anime (video) David Pescovitz
gadgets Remember the 1990s' Digital Compact Cassette? Still going strong in 2023… for some Rob Beschizza
music Listen to this lovely imaginary forest created with cassette players, a turntable, field recordings, and synthetic bird calls David Pescovitz
the eighties This 1980s TV spot for GE cassette players is like an epic fantasy sci-fi flick Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets Get the wireless recharging power battery that looks just like a Walkman Boing Boing's Shop