cholera Norwegian cruise ship quarantined off Mauritius coast due to possible cholera outbreak Jennifer Sandlin
disease Aid workers use computer model to help stop cholera in Yemen dead in its tracks Séamus Bellamy
florida Neil Gaiman delivers powerful message at alt-graduation for DeSantis-threatened New College of Florida Rusty Blazenhoff
infectious diseases Penny lick bowls served up ice cream, with a side of infectious disease Jennifer Sandlin
futility closet Waldemar Haffkine is largely unremembered, despite developing vaccines against both cholera and bubonic plague Futility Closet
canada Critical essays (including mine) discuss Toronto's plan to let Google build a surveillance-based "smart city" along its waterfront Cory Doctorow
labor Liberaltarianism: Silicon Valley's emerging ideology of "disruption with economic airbags" Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets The guy whose DRM for juice company cratered last year now sells "raw water" packed with all the microbes and amoebas you can stomach Cory Doctorow
Science The CDC is why you and your loved ones aren't dead. Trump just banned them from using the phrase "science-based." Cory Doctorow
happy mutants WEB Du Bois's infographics on black life, from the 1900 Exposition Universelle Cory Doctorow