music video Max Headroom had a Christmas song and special and they're both weird as hell Rusty Blazenhoff
Christmas songs How Vince Guaraldi's seriously swingin' "Linus & Lucy" became a Christmas classic Gareth Branwyn
covers A pay-what-you-want holiday music compilation raising money to save independent music venues Thom Dunn
mashups This Daft Punk-Mariah Carey mashup is the perfect Christmas song for the hell year of 2020 Thom Dunn
Boing Boing Shop You can't be Jimmy Page without hitting the books! Aspiring guitarists, check out this $15 training bundle Boing Boing's Shop
Peoria Watch Jon Daker's awkward-but-charming renditions of "Christ the Lord is Risen Today" and "That's Amore" Jennifer Sandlin
harry belafonte Watch 'We Are the World' participants surprise Harry Belafonte in 1985 Jennifer Sandlin