the GQP Sen. Ron Johnson turned into a 6-foot poop statue as he silently stood with protestors calling BS Carla Sinclair
climate change Congress genius Bob Good knows more than 99% of scientists: "There is no climate crisis!" Carla Sinclair
climate change New report shows that 10 Facebook pages are responsible for 69% of climate denial posts Thom Dunn
climate deniers U.S. sits all alone as Syria becomes final country left to join Paris climate accord Robert Spallone
climate change Smash Mouth wrote "All Star" to warn us about climate change & anti-intellectualism and we turned it into a meme Thom Dunn
Tom The Dancing Bug Tom the Dancing Bug: What we imagined climate change deniers would say… Ruben Bolling
broken seasons Hey climate-change deniers! Mexico City had a white winter day – in the middle of June (video) Carla Sinclair
facebook Facebook's new Fact-Checking policies have carved out an exemption for climate deniers Thom Dunn