NASA Neptune loses all its clouds for the first time in three decades, and scientists know why Mark Frauenfelder
Technology Anonymous investor pours millions into undersea community — "to live in the ocean, forever" Ellsworth Toohey
science fiction Jeff VanderMeer's "Absolution" is a dark mirror to the Southern Reach Trilogy Thom Dunn
Science On the anniversary of the first moon landing: The case for building a settlement on the moon Ruben Bolling
london Handprints of child laborers discovered on roof tiles at Victorian era construction site Rusty Blazenhoff
revolutions The concepts of freedom, liberty, and equality were developed by enslaved people and women, not the elite Elías Villoro
Science Scientists pinpointed exactly where inside your nose COVID-19 slips in, could lead to nasal spray that prevents infection David Pescovitz
books "Under The Banner of King Death" puts pirates in their place — in the history of workers' rights Thom Dunn