Science Listen to the bone-chilling screams that gave Tasmanian devils their demonic name Ellsworth Toohey
animals San Diego boldly moved to rid popular beach of a horrible and dangerous invasive species to protect native sea lions David Pescovitz
oceans Creepy dolls, magic spell bottle, barnacle-encrusted bible, and other bizarre beach detritus to be auctioned off in environmental benefit David Pescovitz
Environment Carl Sagan: a lovely and powerful new short film and automaton installation about the urgency of environmental action (video) David Pescovitz
conservation Watch Walter Cronkite announce Pan Am's plans to ground safari hunters (1971) Mark Frauenfelder
Food Japanese whaling company stocking vending machines with whale snacks to spur appropriately-declining demand David Pescovitz
music Watch: Thom Yorke's solo version of Radiohead's "Bloom" to commemorate Shark Week David Pescovitz
climate change How a conservation non-profit made climate change worse by not cutting down trees Thom Dunn