Technology Zoom: Thousands of calls found via web search, thanks to default file naming scheme after users saved them in unprotected spaces like open AWS S3 buckets Xeni Jardin
Business Coronavirus: Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney World Resort 'closed until further notice' Xeni Jardin
Business Cirque du Soleil launches online portal for viewing shows, explores bankruptcy in coronavirus shutdown: Reuters Xeni Jardin
tropical storms Watch: Diners have a grand old time eating while wet at a flooded cafe in Thailand Carla Sinclair
muh freedoms New Jersey gym is giving free memberships to people who don't get a Covid vaccine Mark Frauenfelder
politics House approves $2,000 COVID relief checks demanded by Trump, next goes to GOP-led Senate where fate uncertain Xeni Jardin
Congress close to finalizing $900 billion COVID-19 aid bill with $600-$700 stimulus checks and extended unemployment benefits Xeni Jardin
News California Governor Newsom orders new limits based on ICU capacity, as COVID-19 soars Xeni Jardin
News Legionnaire's Disease pathogen found in water at some schools reopening after Covid-19 lockdowns Xeni Jardin
COVID-19 U.S. sets record high COVID cases for 3 days in a row, nearly 69,000 new cases today Xeni Jardin
COVID-19 'Bar Lives Matter' concert promoted by Texas bar owner to protest coronavirus restrictions Xeni Jardin
Disney Disney is reimagining Splash Mountain's racist 'Song of the South' theme. Princess and the Frog will take its place Carla Sinclair
Business Mnuchin: U.S. won't 'shut down the economy again' even if coronavirus cases surge Xeni Jardin
Business Tesla worker at Buffalo, NY solar panel factory tests positive for COVID-19 same week Elon Musk reopened it: Report Xeni Jardin