public health As avian flu spreads, backyard chicken groups share conspiracy theories Jennifer Sandlin
Disgraced producers Harvey Weinstein catches a lucky break: his 2020 rape conviction was overturned Carla Sinclair
FDA FDA warns against using corrosive "black salve" — a deadly cure-all that's disfiguring lives Jennifer Sandlin
david cronenberg Watch David Cronenberg's "Four Unloved Women, Adrift on a Purposeless Sea, Experience the Ecstasy of Dissection" (2023), featuring four 18th-century life-size wax anatomical models Jennifer Sandlin
consumerism Purse towers are shelves filled with containers that folks use to organize anything they might put into a purse Jennifer Sandlin
crime A Nazi pedophile MI5 agent violently terrorizes women, and the British government and police are protecting him and censoring the BBC Rob Beschizza
Princess and the Disease Plague ship disgorges infected passengers into San Francisco Jason Weisberger
News FAA: 'zero tolerance' for unruly airline passengers, maskless MAGA jerks face possible jail Xeni Jardin
trump White gunmen storm Michigan Capitol with assault-style rifles, lawmakers inside State House share disturbing video and photos Xeni Jardin
Kids Quiet Rooms: Illinois schools lead the nation in imprisoning very young, disabled children in isolation chambers Cory Doctorow