intelligence community LOL RIP CIA: Trump's about to turn America's spooks into his personal goon squad Ellsworth Toohey
late stage capitalism This holiday season, do yourself a favor and (re)watch Reverend Billy's "What Would Jesus Buy?" Jennifer Sandlin
architecture Turkmenistan's eccentric dictator built a self-glorifying $12m phallic marble monstrosity called the "Neutrality Monument" Mark Frauenfelder
science fiction Review: Paul Di Filippo trips the multiverse fantastic in "Vangie's Ghosts" Gareth Branwyn
Boing Boing Shop This Nespresso coffee machine will brew a perfect cup of coffee every time and save you $79 Boing Boing's Shop
1970s "Pickled People" were heads made out of stuffed panty hose and smushed into jars, and people in the 1970s bought them for fun Jennifer Sandlin
snow devils Spectacular "snownado" swirls toward a huge crowd of awestruck skiers in Colorado (video) Carla Sinclair
vintage "The Goblins Will Get You If You Don't Watch Out" is a stunningly eerie photo series from 1923 Popkin