Entertainment How Uruguay's answer to The Beatles shaped Latin American rock in the 1960s Ellsworth Toohey
video "The greatest restaurant in the world" has South Park ownership, cliff divers, and a 600,000-person long wait list Ruben Bolling
law Drag artist wins defamation case against right-wing blogger who falsely claimed he flashed children Rob Beschizza
The Beatles Before the Rutles, there was this 1976 Elton John parody "Godfrey Daniel" Rusty Blazenhoff
coachella Coachella threatens legal action against comedian's imaginary music festival, Fauxchella Jennifer Sandlin
tabloids China attacks America, and Democrats gun for Biden, in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
book review Review: Some New Kind of Kick is the moving memoir of punk rock icon Kid Congo Powers Gareth Branwyn
trolls Wikipedia's list of "long-term abusers" reads like a roster of pathetic supervillains Mark Frauenfelder
AI Text this number with the name of a musical artist, and an AI responds with lyrics written in that style Thom Dunn
education Security expert offers hacking advice to students whose campuses have implemented pervasive wireless surveillance Cory Doctorow
music THE BUREAU: Part Nine, "Your Sandwich Speaks!" — with SBaGen-based Digital Drugs for New Year's Eve Ethan Persoff
infosec Using information security to explain why disinformation makes autocracies stronger and democracies weaker Cory Doctorow