education Meet the Depression-era vaudeville family that set a world record for school-hopping Ellsworth Toohey
Reagan Republicans vs MAGA RINOS Ronald Reagan warns against trade wars — as if speaking directly to Donald Trump (video) Carla Sinclair
politics Sister relationship destroyed after Trump supporter defends husband's threatening "dark humor" Ellsworth Toohey
donald trump Trump's brain on a 40-year downward spiral, according to analysis of his speeches over time Ellsworth Toohey
Entertainment The first episode of "The Honeymooners" is a deeply disturbing drama about a toxic relationship Ellsworth Toohey
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Optimize your hell by adding RFK, Jr. to the mix via his online "Real Debate" Jennifer Sandlin
los angeles Legendary L.A. eatery Clifton's Cafeteria is back! (but is called Clifton's Republic now) Yoy Luadha
mental health Jonathan Haidt's book presents stark data on the negative effects of smartphones on youth Yoy Luadha
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