transgender rights "How does it feel?": Trans man silences Ben Shapiro in explosive exchange Ellsworth Toohey
Boing Boing Gadgets Everything's linkable when you use a 13-in-1 docking station, now only $50 Boing Boing's Shop
music New Order's "Blue Monday" is 40 years old today and here's the unlikely inspiration of its bassline David Pescovitz
Comic Books Love and Rockets gets a documentary after 40 years of being the best comic book ever made Mark Frauenfelder
picks Biohacking for Newbies: All You Ever Wanted to Know About Getting an NFC Chip Implant Katherine Leipper
happy mutants San Francisco: Peter Hook (Joy Division, New Order) to be interviewed live by David Pescovitz David Pescovitz
Happy Mutants Star Simpson, one year after Boston airport terror-scare: unedited BBtv interview transcript Xeni Jardin