libertarians Mystery land buyer in California turns out to be Silicon Valley investors, to build utopian community Rob Beschizza
Delightful Creatures California bears routine check-ins on humanity are leaving them unimpressed (video) Jason Weisberger
design Florida issues new license plate design featuring symbol beloved by far-right fanatics (and it's not the American flag) David Pescovitz
guns New Hampshire State legislature votes on a bill to override all federal gun legislation Thom Dunn
free speech Scot sentenced to community service for tweeting "the only good Brit soldier is a deed one, burn auld fella buuuuurn" after famed soldier's death Rob Beschizza
surveillance 7 years later, US court of appeals rules that NSA program leaked by Snowden was illegal after all Thom Dunn
police brutality Seattle activists have established a 6-block autonomous zone around an abandoned police station Thom Dunn