censorship Florida teachers toss Shakespeare books from classes, citing fascist Ron DeSantis law Carla Sinclair
oscars There's nothing in the $137,000 Oscar gift bag I'd want. Here's my fantasy gift bag Mark Frauenfelder
Games Filmmaker promises to change live-action Sonic the Hedgehog's widely-disliked design Rob Beschizza
neither a borrower nor a lender be Plagiarism software finds Shakespeare plundered cool words from a little-known book Clive Thompson
john waters John Waters' favorite 10 films for 2017 include: 'Baby Driver,' 'Tom of Finland,' and 'Wonder Wheel' Rusty Blazenhoff
I'm With Her To find Hillary Clinton likable, we must learn to view women as complex beings Caroline Siede
videos US State Department press corps grill Brexit Boris over his "lies" and "insults" Cory Doctorow