Business From Enron to Saudi Arabia, from Rikers Island to ICE's gulag, how McKinsey serves as "Capitalism's Consigliere" Cory Doctorow
lies McKinsey is lying about its role in building ICE's gulags, and paying to own the top search result for "McKinsey ICE" Cory Doctorow
mckinsey McKinsey's internal mythology compares management consultants to "the Marine Corps, the Roman Catholic Church, and the Jesuits" Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism NYC paid McKinsey $27.5m to reduce violence at Riker's, producing useless recommendations backed by junk evidence Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism McKinsey bills the US government $3m a year for anodyne advice from 23-year-old college grads Cory Doctorow
Business Mastercard's AI spies on you, jacks up prices: FTC finally investigates "surveillance pricing" Ellsworth Toohey
trump Senators to U.S. Ethics Official: 'Ensure COVID-19 Decisions Serve the American Public, Not President Trump's & Jared Kushner's Financial Interests' Xeni Jardin
Business Antivirus firm Avast sold user data via 'Jumpshot' to Pepsi, Google, Microsoft — REPORT Xeni Jardin
foia McKinsey designed ICE's gulags, recommending minimal food, medical care and supervision Cory Doctorow
class war Harvard Humanists troll the elites who fund the Harvard endowment by awarding Anand Giridharadas a prize Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism The plane(t) has been hijacked by billionaires, and we're all passengers Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Winners Take All: the Davos Edition (how elites launder looting with phoney philanthropy) Cory Doctorow
books Winners Take All: Modern philanthropy means that giving some away is more important than how you got it Cory Doctorow
happy mutants A gorgeous history of the mid-century modernism by Disney's finest illustrators of the 1950s Cory Doctorow