gun freedums in america Florida reporter at the scene of an earlier shooting was shot and killed by same gunman Carla Sinclair
only in america (and war zones) 6 killed in Mississippi shooting spree, but prayers are on their way Carla Sinclair
nra Wayne LaPierre got PWNED at the NRA convention and didn't even realize what was happening Jennifer Sandlin
law Judge dismisses NRA's "bad faith" bankruptcy, says Wayne LaPierre "surreptitious" and "nothing less than shocking" Rob Beschizza
nra NRA chief Wayne LaPierre's wife Susan killed an elephant and gloated as it died. LaPierre himself couldn't hit an elephant. Rob Beschizza
Business National Rifle Association files for bankruptcy, NRA will legally move from New York to Texas Xeni Jardin
wikipedia Someone at the NRA has been quietly editing Holocaust Denial articles on Wikipedia Thom Dunn
guns The NRA spent $70,000 on a consultant to help Wayne LaPierre choose which mansion to purchase Cory Doctorow
trump NRA kicks out second in command, Christopher W. Cox accused of complicity in failed coup against Wayne LaPierre Xeni Jardin
trumpism The NRA begs gun nuts for donations, spends lavishly on its board of directors and execs Cory Doctorow
politics WATCH: Trump claims 'coup' against him led by Mueller, 'I didn't need a gun' to defeat 'attempted overthrow' Xeni Jardin