puzzles This multiple choice probability puzzle has been causing arguments for years Mark Frauenfelder
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Optimize your hell by adding RFK, Jr. to the mix via his online "Real Debate" Jennifer Sandlin
AI Confuse-A-Bot is a new game that helps you fight the real-life AI apocalypse with bad data … and cheese Thom Dunn
instagram Messi's world cup celebration becomes the most-liked Instagram picture of all time Devin Nealy
language Tone indicators and the ever-evolving quest to clarify what we're saying online Clive Thompson
Tulsi Gabbard Tulsi Gabbard, most-searched candidate during Democratic debates, sues Google Xeni Jardin
happy mutants Speech Police: vital, critical look at the drive to force Big Tech to control who may speak and what they may say Cory Doctorow
happy mutants How to Do Nothing: Jenny Odell's case for resisting "The Attention Economy" Cory Doctorow
Copyfight How #Article13 is like the Inquisition: John Milton Against the EU #CopyrightDirective Ada Palmer
Copyfight As the German Government Abandons Small Businesses, the Worst Parts of the EU Copyright Directive Come Roaring Back, Made Even Worse Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Everyone — not just Europeans — needs to save the internet from the EU's terrible copyright proposal Cory Doctorow
happy mutants New York primaries: Democrats' finance-affiliated fundraising superstar got his ass kicked by a young woman with a Democratic Socialist platform Cory Doctorow
Copyfight On June 20, an EU committee will vote on an apocalyptically stupid, internet-destroying copyright proposal that'll censor everything from Tinder profiles to Wikipedia (SHARE THIS!) Cory Doctorow
free speech Survey: student attitudes about diversity and inclusion vs. free speech are shifting Andrea James