the muskatonic institute of feigned brilliance Paul Krugman explains why Tesla is like Bitcoin Jason Weisberger
debt celing Can Biden issue a trillion-dollar platinum coin to instantly lift the debt ceiling? Mark Frauenfelder
fascism Paul Krugman in NY Times: "government by the people may soon perish from the earth" Mark Frauenfelder
gun control Would an armed leftist movement finally provoke sensible gun laws in America? Cory Doctorow
scholarship How an influential economics paper used imaginary environmental overregulation to spur low-density luxury housing Cory Doctorow
Copyfight India's Council of Scientific and Industrial Research blew so much money on rubbish patents, it's gone broke Cory Doctorow
election FBI says it is investigating more email "pertinent" to Clinton server (Update: Weiner alert) Rob Beschizza
trump Why Trump's naked corruption is less interesting than conspiracy theories about Clinton Rob Beschizza
happy mutants Paul Krugman's introduction to the Folio Society's beautiful edition of the Foundation trilogy Cory Doctorow