CDC Dr. Deborah Birx: "Our agencies are making the same mistakes they made with COVID" Jennifer Sandlin
public domain Racist Tintin to enter public domain in 2025; you'll have to wait a while longer for woke Tintin Rob Beschizza
lawsuits Affiliate influencer sues competitor who also reviews junk in off-white minimalist bunker Rob Beschizza
kamala harris Drunk racist faces prison for assaulting mail carrier with a knife for putting Harris flyer in his mailbox, say prosecutors Mark Frauenfelder
police People who gave money to scam school run by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement can sue government Rob Beschizza
News Securus Technologies loves charging exorbitant fees for families to talk to incarcerated loved ones Yoy Luadha
protests Columbia University shuts down as protestors barricade inside building (video) Carla Sinclair
architecture White Gates, iconic mid-century home in Phoenix, facing demolition by new owner Jennifer Sandlin