flights Track the carbon footprint of jet-set celebrities like Elon Musk and Kim Kardashian Rob Beschizza
podcasts "The Immortals" is a podcast about Silicon Valley billionaires spending loads of money trying to stay young indefinitely Jennifer Sandlin
Rich People Private jets make up nearly 20% of US flights but only pay for 2% of FAA funding Thom Dunn
Rich People Jared Kushner, Kanye West, Jeff Koons, and other wealthy celebs received big PPP loans that they didn't have to pay back Jennifer Sandlin
goldman sachs Man who helped cause 2008 financial crash suddenly very concerned about the economy Thom Dunn
real estate This $3.5 million mansion includes a replica of Bruce Wayne's study and so much more Thom Dunn
canada Oil industry asked to pony up dough to offset climate change expenses in filthy rich Canadian town Séamus Bellamy
Reagan Republicans vs MAGA RINOS Ronald Reagan warns against trade wars — as if speaking directly to Donald Trump (video) Carla Sinclair
alternative facts CNN's Scott Jennings defends Elon Musk's Nazi salute — until he's asked to "do it right now on TV" (video) Carla Sinclair