web theory Chinese censorship: arbitrary rule changes are a form of powerful intermittent reinforcement Cory Doctorow
music videos Thom Yorke's experimental band The Smile performs for elementary school kids (video) David Pescovitz
health Being a Republican can kill you; living in the same state with too many of them can kill you too Ruben Bolling
werner herzog The curious history of the dancing chicken in Werner Herzog's 1977 film Stroszek Jennifer Sandlin
gop Georgia GOP Chair is a flat-earther and says we are being brainwashed by "globes everywhere" Mark Frauenfelder
graphic novels Under the Banner of King Death is a new graphic novel about piracy rebellion and democracy ElĂas Villoro
COVID-19 New study: pointing out racial disparities in COVID-19 makes white people more reckless Thom Dunn
creepy governors Virginia Gov. Youngkin's new snitch-line makes for great prankster fun Carla Sinclair
Community Why our brains still struggle with tensions between work, leisure, and the concept of time Thom Dunn
animation Budfoot, starring psychedelic fantasy artist Skinner, delivers 420 cult movie excellence. Janelle Hessig