climate change Druids prop up faerie stone knocked over by a bull to stop bad luck, sparking government investigation Thom Dunn
Technology Meet the most cringe-worthy status symbol of 2025: an $880,000 champagne holder for SDE billionaires Ellsworth Toohey
politics Marjorie Taylor Greene continues her racist campaign against Rep. Rashida Tlaib Jason Weisberger
music Sicangu Lakota Hip Hop artist and music producer Frank Waln reimagines "Wild Horses." Elías Villoro
History Exclusive interview with Matt LaCroix and Kaedrich Olsen about Gaia's Ancient Civilizations fourth season Devin Nealy
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music Take a trip back to November 29, 1965 with this pristine color copy of the music show Hullabaloo Mark Frauenfelder
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History Stonehenge core sample shows monument was largely quarried only 15 miles from site Rob Beschizza