politics America's crime grandpa gets slapped with contempt charge for being a sneaky little sh*t Ellsworth Toohey
stowaways Two people found dead in JetBlue wheel well in Florida: "This keeps happening" Carla Sinclair
royal ascensions Elon Musk steals the show at his, er, Trump's Mar-a-Lago Thanksgiving party (video) Carla Sinclair
A Gaudi Muass Sein I tried, and failed, to solve the mystery of the Tyrolean tongue choir Jennifer Sandlin
Santa gonna fuck Hanukah's shit up Congressional candidate completely misunderstands "The Hebrew Hammer" Jason Weisberger
accidents Planes collide — not once but twice — at Boston's Logan Airport during busy Thanksgiving week Carla Sinclair
Science COVID and Flu vaccination rates abysmally low before Thanksgiving travel rush Jason Weisberger
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