comedians Watch Sarah Cooper "turn Trump" as she lip-syncs his bizarre "Harris turned black" comment (video) Carla Sinclair
donald trump JD Vance's creepshow logic: Trump hugs my wife, so he's not racist (video) Mark Frauenfelder
archaeology Archaeologist braves the Joe Rogan podcast to counter Graham Hancock's nonsense Jennifer Sandlin
donald trump Video lays out what Trump's first 100 "horrific days" as dictator would look like Mark Frauenfelder
politics Maybe Parliament's honeytrap scandal shows Westminster has simply fallen below the ambient stupidity threshold where that sort of scam thrives Rob Beschizza
donald trump Breaking: Trump's $175 million bond in jeopardy: NY AG doubts its validity Mark Frauenfelder
King Charles dead in 6 months, and Biden & Trump "get down and dirty" in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
music Nick Cave, Glen Hansard, Lisa O'Neill, and more perform moving tributes to Shane MacGowan at his funeral service Jennifer Sandlin
tabloids King Charles to abdicate, and Jim Jordan's sex scandal, in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
politics GOP reps boo and scream "Shut up!" when reporter asks 4th speaker nominee a simple question (video) Carla Sinclair