happy mutants "Humble Caveman" excoriates "Yabba Dabba Douchebag" Tempe City Council members for their hypocrisy Jennifer Sandlin
delightful creatures Doggo hilariously backs out of room like a car in reverse (video) Carla Sinclair
youtube Definitely legitimate scientist promises to enhance your molecules with a "zappy" bulb, only needs $4,750 Ellsworth Toohey
politics Would you live on a cruise ship for four years to escape the Trump presidency? Jennifer Sandlin
black bears into gummy bears Bear raids a candy store, while gawkers unintentionally block the exit door (video) Carla Sinclair
lithium battery fires Southwest evacuates plane after passenger's phone — and seat — goes up in flames (video) Carla Sinclair
Impatient travelers Man tries to exit plane mid-flight — but passengers pile on, leaving him nearly unconscious (video) Carla Sinclair
instant factcheck Trump's "biggest rally" lie is instantly exposed by hilarious camera operator (video) Carla Sinclair