social media Professional angler Blake Dyer loses Twitter account and sponsorship after siding with Uganda's plan to murder gays Mark Frauenfelder
the gqp Daily Wire host laughs at Uganda's anti-LGBTQ bill that includes death penalty (video) Carla Sinclair
police Uganda installs Huawei's AI-powered facial recognition surveillance system 'nationwide' Xeni Jardin
surveillance Uganda's unenforceable social media tax is augmented by a biometric requirement for SIM card purchases Cory Doctorow
corruption Ugandan ethics chief boasts of his new magic South Korean pornography filter and its efficacy against "homos" Cory Doctorow
Kids Children in Uganda watch a hobbyist's drone fly for the first time, and totally flip out Xeni Jardin
politics Uganda's corrupt president just stole another election, but he couldn't steal the Internet Cory Doctorow
politics Ugandan president on the science of why gay sex must be criminalized: 'you can get worms' Xeni Jardin
Business Giving no-strings-attached money to the world's poorest produces remarkably good results Cory Doctorow