politics Sister relationship destroyed after Trump supporter defends husband's threatening "dark humor" Ellsworth Toohey
domestic abuse Lauren Boebert's son called 911 accusing his father of "throwing me around" the house Carla Sinclair
politics GOP congressman retires after publication of text asking "ISIS bride" mistress to rim his ass Rob Beschizza
bad weddings Woman asks Slate's Dear Prudence if she should divorce husband who shoved her face into wedding cake Mark Frauenfelder
Election 2020 Your terrifying reading for today: Wargame designer outlines 4 post-election civil war scenarios Gareth Branwyn
disasters NYT: In times of global shock people help each other, while the elite panic Mark Frauenfelder
china Massive leak of Chinese government documents reveal the "no mercy" plan for Muslims in Xinjiang Cory Doctorow
law The TSA strip searched a grandmother on Mother's Day and now says that she's overreacting because it's no different from a locker room Cory Doctorow
gwot Big Tech is deleting evidence needed to prosecute war crimes, and governments want them to do more of it Cory Doctorow
corruption Equifax will make hundreds of millions in extra profits from its apocalyptic breach (forever) Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Ikea vs Superfans: how paranoid trademark lawyers make everything suck Zoe Fraade-Blanar and Aaron Glazer
Business MPAA and ICE admit they yanked an innocent man out of a movie for wearing Google Glass Cory Doctorow