climate change The United States is the #1 worst G20 nation when it comes to climate change Thom Dunn
american history "What the Constitution Means To Me" is a good alternative to doomscrolling that still engages with important issues Thom Dunn
Business Amazon's staffing up a news vertical full of crime stories designed to scare you into buying a spying, snitching "smart" doorbell Cory Doctorow
Business Trumpcare added $33B to government healthcare spending, in order to cover 8.9m fewer Americans, who will pay more for less Cory Doctorow
class war Kimberly Clark says the Trump tax-cuts let it fire 5,500 US workers and pay out dividends to its shareholders Cory Doctorow
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Optimize your hell by adding RFK, Jr. to the mix via his online "Real Debate" Jennifer Sandlin
guns Don Lemon shames Marjorie Taylor Greene, Ted Cruz and others for their gun rhetoric "while Americans are dying" Carla Sinclair
mental illness It's Mental Health Awareness Month: Trumpcare's dangerous impact on mental health care Maureen Herman