censorship Citing "violence," Facebook officially has banned anarchist and anti-fascist content, alongside QAnon Thom Dunn
antifa A Civil War reenactor tried to frame Antifa by fabricating threats against his own Civil War reenactments Thom Dunn
picks Emails show Berkeley police celebrated 'retweets' & 'engagements' from protester mugshots cops posted on social media Xeni Jardin
twitter Nazi cartoonist meets the Streisand Effect after Twitter censors discussion of his identity Rob Beschizza
surveillance New DHS reports reveals terrifying scope of the Department's manufactured Antifa scare Thom Dunn
Trumpanzees on oxygen Watch Steve Bannon's "field correspondent" blame his Covid infection on Biden, China, BLM, and anti-fascists Mark Frauenfelder
kentucky Bourbon time capsule discovered underneath a statue of Jefferson Davis in Kentucky Thom Dunn
politics Trump brags of "ANTIFA" being "handled VERY easily by the Guard, D.C. Police, & S.S. " Xeni Jardin
police Internal files reveal how US law enforcement classes anti-fascists as fascists, and actual fascists as "anti-anti-fascists" Cory Doctorow
fbi More FBI follies: civil rights groups are "terrorists" and their victims are the KKK Cory Doctorow
protests Right-wing group camped out on rooftop with stockpile of weapons at Portland rally, and police kept quiet Carla Sinclair