biology New study reveals that humans are not related to these spikey, wrinkly anus-less sacks Thom Dunn
asshole design This electronic ultrasonic bug and rat repellent device has a circuit to light LEDs, but nothing else Mark Frauenfelder
asshole design Toilet designed to be uncomfortable to sit on, aimed at boosting employee productivity Mark Frauenfelder
asshole design Deceptive packaging makes it look like you are getting 3 pens, but there's only one in the box Mark Frauenfelder
censorship Massachusetts Supreme Court upholds Constitutional Right to be a dick at town meetings Thom Dunn
war on poor NetSpend bleeds kid's birthday cash card with predatory monthly "inactivity fees" Mark Frauenfelder
boring dystopia New toilet paper dispenser delivers 3 squares if you watch a 30-second commercial 💩 Mark Frauenfelder
mistakes Burger King tweeting through it after telling women they belong in the kitchen Rob Beschizza