china Lobbyist on Fox claims NYC air pollution from wildfires is harmless: "There's nothing in them." Mark Frauenfelder
social justice Clean Air Club donates air purifiers to Chicago music and arts venues to make them more accessible Jennifer Sandlin
music Animated feature Black is Beltza, Basque music, and the political art of Fermin Muguruza Elías Villoro
lawsuits U.S. government sues gentleman who says his $60 vegetable nostrum "works within minutes" to treat Covid-19 Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets Breathe clean air with the PURO²XYGEN P500, now under $200 with this Valentine's Day deal Boing Boing's Shop
Boing Boing Gadgets These 20 air purifiers can help combat allergy season — and they're all on sale now Boing Boing's Shop
COVID-19 Basketball mom refused to cover nose with mask at game, so her kid and coach dad got kicked out of the league Mark Frauenfelder
Boing Boing Gadgets Your air matters – the Atmotube can tell you instantly if it's healthy or not Boing Boing's Shop