taco bell Man sues Taco Bell over deceptive ads that make its food look loaded and voluminous Thom Dunn
Business Uber forces its drivers to arbitrate, rather than sue, but Uber also won't arbitrate Cory Doctorow
law Supreme Court rules that employers can make signing away your right to sue them in a class a condition of employment Cory Doctorow
Business Scammy phone company Centurylink: "No one can sue us because we don't have any customers" Cory Doctorow
law Wells Fargo's CEO told Congress that he wouldn't enforce binding arbitration, so Wells is getting sued in Utah Cory Doctorow
Business A rare class-action victory over Wells Fargo's fake accounts proves binding arbitration sucks Cory Doctorow
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Boing Boing Gadgets Are you still renting your productivity apps? It's time to own Microsoft Office for life! Boing Boing's Shop
brightest flashlights World's brightest flashlight costs $750, turns night to day (video) Ellsworth Toohey