refugees Tibetan free library opens doors to readers in India, with help from Boing Boing readers Xeni Jardin
china As Tibetans celebrate the Dalai Lama's 78th birthday, a video snapshot of Tibet Lobby Day Xeni Jardin
politics China detains Tibetans returning from Buddhist festival, arrests devotee who sees vision of Dalai Lama in the Moon Xeni Jardin
china Tibet: China's bloody crackdown on Tibetan protesters escalates, as self-immolations continue Xeni Jardin
Holographic Theory of the Universe Infinite Potential: The Life And Ideas of David Bohm is a gem of a documentary Ferdinando Buscema
china Chinese authorities are secretly installing their anti-Uyghur surveillance app on the phones of tourists to Xinjiang province Cory Doctorow
spooks Spies tried to infiltrate Citizen Lab and trick them into talking about their research on Israeli spytech company NSO Group Cory Doctorow