happy mutants Monster Scouts: go camping with an imaginary cryptid scout troop from the 1910s! Cory Doctorow
ai-generated content Watch the trailer for the first fully AI-generated RomCom, coming soon from TV manufacturer TCL Thom Dunn
interview Interview with Case Esparros, independent filmmaker and director of "The Absence of Milk in the Mouths of the Lost" Natalie Dressed
Comics Marvel's Children of the Vault is a post-human cyber thriller from the writer of 20th Century Men Thom Dunn
happy mutants 20th Century Men brilliantly flips the Cold War on its head, with superheroes Thom Dunn
History Exclusive interview with Matt LaCroix and Kaedrich Olsen about Gaia's Ancient Civilizations fourth season Devin Nealy
Alex Jones This video of Glenn Greenwald fawning over Alex Jones is a stronger emetic than syrup of ipecac Mark Frauenfelder
accessibility The Stranger Things closed caption team explains the art of (tentacles undulating moistly) Thom Dunn
larping Ohioans critique the Polish LARPers who recreated an "American 4th of July in Ohio" Jennifer Sandlin