tabletop gaming A look at Drachenfest, one of the biggest live action roleplaying festivals in the world Gareth Branwyn
larping Ohioans critique the Polish LARPers who recreated an "American 4th of July in Ohio" Jennifer Sandlin
fantasy The artist behind these spellbinding witch hats almost stopped making them after her first one Rusty Blazenhoff
happy mutants Evermore: a LARP themepark, elaborately themed and filled with costumed actors Jeremy Putnam
happy mutants Monster Scouts: go camping with an imaginary cryptid scout troop from the 1910s! Cory Doctorow
law Boogaloo Boy who livestreamed himself "hunting" cops jailed for 50 years for attempted murder and "hate crime" Rob Beschizza
education Indiana University Provost: The First Amendment says we can't fire our notorious bigot professor, so here's what we're doing instead Cory Doctorow
happy mutants John Varley's "Irontown Blues" – noir doggy science fiction from one of the field's all-time greats Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Scenes from Wasteland, the annual Mad Max tribute event in the Mojave desert Cory Doctorow