twitter Twitter wants to develop an open, decentralized, federated social media standard…and then join it Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Talking corruption, technology, empiricism and fairness with the Bitcoin Podcast Cory Doctorow
Shen Yun Epoch Times financial officer, affiliated with Shen Yun, charged with laundering $67M Natalie Dressed
gadgets Freewrite Alpha, writing gadget inspired by legendary Alphasmart, gets a good review Rob Beschizza
Vermin Supreme Marjorie Taylor Greene gets photobombed by nipple-baring prankster during Bannon interview (video) Carla Sinclair
halloween Flula Borg hilarious deconstructs that weird "trick or treat, smell my feet" poem Jennifer Sandlin
maga QAnon follower explains that Trump is the shadow President and James Woods is playing Joe Biden, who died Mark Frauenfelder
article 13 UPDATED! How do you pass the most unpopular measure in European history? With the most undemocratic dirty trick in EU history: stop the #Article13 vote from being moved ahead of day of protest! Cory Doctorow
happy mutants My closing Decentralized Web Summit keynote: "Big Tech's problem is Big, not Tech" Cory Doctorow
antitrust Sign of the times: Big Tech comes together to create interoperability tool so users can move between services Cory Doctorow
trump Wearing hockey gear, Putin reacts to FBI director James Comey's firing: 'We have nothing to do with that' Xeni Jardin