coronavirus Listen to this "kids music for grown-ups" song about how you should wear a facemask Thom Dunn
crime Facemask prevents store from ID'ing man who stole a 3-foot, 40-pound dildo in broad daylight Thom Dunn
tabloids Royal scandals, UFOs and Jeffrey Epstein's "murder" in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Boing Boing Gadgets Shut Up and Take My Money with these 15 deals on sale for an extra 15% off! Boing Boing's Shop
books Two perspectives on Asian-American life that riff on fantasy and stereotype: "Interior Chinatown" & "Tiger Style!" Thom Dunn
covidiots More than a dozen California public health officials have quit their job because of threats Mark Frauenfelder
dystopian entertainment New rules for Las Vegas casinos promise a grim, joyless experience Mark Frauenfelder