scammers Gentleman who stole twin brother's ID to earn $72,000 in military benefits headed to federal prison Carla Sinclair
late stage capitalism Manhattan: a city of empty luxury condos and overflowing homeless shelters Cory Doctorow
kentucky One of the poorest, most desperate regions in Appalachia is experiencing an economic miracle thanks to fiber run by a New Deal-era co-op Cory Doctorow
Old school In 1943, the chairman of the NY Fed backed Modern Monetary Theory: "Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete" Cory Doctorow
elections Bernie Sanders will use a tax on Wall Street speculators to wipe out $1.6 trillion in US student debt Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Texas Instrument's post-#taxscam budget for financial engineering is $5B — triple its budget for actual engineering Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Telcoms lobbyists have convinced 26 states to ban or restrict municipal broadband Cory Doctorow
health Obamacare study: 25% decline in home delinquencies among newly insured poor people Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Now that telcos have "abandoned rural America," the only broadband comes from cable monopolies Cory Doctorow
trumpism Ben Carson wants to raise rents on public housing tenants by 300%+, attacking elderly, people with disabilities and working poor Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Washington State lawmaker thinks the courts will uphold state Net Neutrality law because the FCC abdicated its duty Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Big Telco hates "regulation," but they love their billions in government handouts Cory Doctorow
corruption Foxconn's corporate welfare deal will cost Wisconsin taxpayers more than 3 billion dollars Cory Doctorow
Those darn numbers Trump so befuddled on health insurance, he thinks it costs $1 a month when you're 21 Carla Sinclair
News Draft of Senate GOP health-care bill is out. Subsidies linked to income, Medicaid cut dramatically. Xeni Jardin
class war 70% of the benefits of Trump's childcare credits will go to households earning $100K and up Cory Doctorow