science fiction Jeff VanderMeer's "Absolution" is a dark mirror to the Southern Reach Trilogy Thom Dunn
research Manosphere grifters misuse evolutionary psychology to promote anti-feminist views Jennifer Sandlin
politics Texas A&M recruited a black University of Texas professor. After right-wing "hysteria" over her diversity research, they decided she wasn't welcome. Jennifer Sandlin
colonialism Puerto Ricans resist disaster capitalists and "Puertopians" in Hurricane Maria's wake Elías Villoro
Oakland Boots Riley's 'I'm a Virgo': fantastical coming-of-age story about a 13-foot-tall Black man in Oakland Rusty Blazenhoff
prison The Drapetomania Collective in Arizona is researching conditions of imprisoned women Elías Villoro
Ancient Apocalpyse Archaeologist David Wengrow pushes back against Ancient Apocalypse—and urges us to consider the power of everyday people Jennifer Sandlin
toxic masculinity Someone pulled their dick out: 2022 Grammy winner Louis C.K. and the #MeToo movement Maureen Herman
Boing Boing Gadgets This Everimaging 3-in-1 Photographer's Bundle for Mac is perfect for photogs everywhere Boing Boing's Shop
books The second book in Tim Powers' 'Vickery and Castine' series is even better than the first Jason Weisberger