gallows humor With Biden and Trump tied, Leslie Jones asks the obvious question, "What the f*ck is wrong with us!?" Carla Sinclair
unions Medieval Times Dinner Theater's new union-busting tactic? Claiming "trademark infringement" Thom Dunn
politicians This catchy "We Are Family" parody skewers Mike Pence's brother who doesn't care that rioters wanted to hang him Carla Sinclair
comic relief After yesterday's sh*tstorm, wipe away the stench with Donald Trump toilet paper Carla Sinclair
Trump and the age of buffoonery It takes a village, but not a village idiot, warns the Lincoln Project (video) Carla Sinclair
Kat Abu Watch: Trump–Putin 2024 fan proves she's a "small government conservative" (parody) Carla Sinclair
Marco Rubio Marco Rubio stood up to Trump, then immediately crumbled in amusing 1-min montage Carla Sinclair
randy rainbow Thoughts and prayers after mass shootings? "Go f*ck yourself" says Randy Rainbow in latest ditty (video) Carla Sinclair
trailers "Boys From County Hell" is a great new Irish vampire flick with some surprising heart (and blood) Thom Dunn
michael fanone DC cop Michael Fanone compares Trump to "America's crazy ex" who will tear us apart Carla Sinclair
COVID-19 Suffering from CDC whiplash? Watch 'The Fauci Mask Song' for some comic relief Carla Sinclair
let them eat cake Ivanka tells 18 million out-of-work Americans: "Find something new!" Carla Sinclair
happy mutants Rule of Capture: Inside the martial law tribunals that will come when climate deniers become climate looters and start rendering environmentalists for offshore torture Cory Doctorow