law New Jersey man cuts down 32 of his neighbor's trees to get better view, thinking the fine would be $32,000. Turns out he's on the hook for nearly $2 million. Ruben Bolling
aurora Let's talk about Madonna's post-Aurora decision to play with fake guns in her show Jamie Frevele
Technology Software developer builds annoying device to force himself to move every 20 minutes Ellsworth Toohey
crimes In newly-uncovered phone call Charles Manson admitted to murders in Mexico years before the L.A. killing spree Allan Rose Hill
comedic timing at its best As Trump brags that 'nobody leaves early' from his rallies, MAGA man right behind him leaves (video) Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets This found a hidden camera in my Airbnb (You won't believe where!) Boing Boing's Shop
donald trump Trump supporters on Tucson rally stage sought medical attention for mysterious eye injuries Mark Frauenfelder
politics Tormented Trump turns obsession with Kamala Harris into therapy session: "I'm very angry at her" (video) Carla Sinclair