racism Four Tops singer forced into straitjacket during a heart attack for claiming to be Four Tops singer Thom Dunn
News Eight high school students hospitalized after cannabis edibles on LA field trip Mark Frauenfelder
patients on the loose Gentleman steals an ambulance, takes it for a joyride, then stops when all the tires pop Carla Sinclair
alcohol Nurse with hangover sedated patients, eventually killing them, so he could nap unbothered David Pescovitz
surveillance business model When workplace surveillance software targets hospital chaplains Thom Dunn
News Cybersecurity agency warns of 'imminent, increased cybercrime threat to U.S. hospitals and healthcare providers" Xeni Jardin
COVID-19 Medical professionals and Healthcare providers are getting their pay cut while dealing with COVID-19 Thom Dunn
coronavirus Take a tour inside Wuhan's new coronavirus hospital, built in just 10 days Carla Sinclair
coronavirus Incredible time lapse video of coronavirus hospital that China built in just 10 days David Pescovitz
health After Propublica expose, the "nonprofit," "Christian" Memphis University Hospital suspends practice of suing the shit out of poor people Cory Doctorow