gop West Virginia GOP hangs a poster calling Rep. Ilhan Omar a terrorist in state capitol Gina Loukareas
corruption FBI will face lawsuit for putting people on the No-Fly list for refusing to inform on friends Cory Doctorow
trump Immigration authorities detain Muhammad Ali, Jr. at Florida airport, demand to know if he's Muslim Xeni Jardin
fbi "Do you go camping or play paintball?" and 47 other questions from the FBI's secret terrorist-detection questionnaire Cory Doctorow
trump (UPDATE: Yep they reversed this too) Trump reverses vow to take #MuslimBan to U.S. Supreme Court Xeni Jardin
crime Islamophobic terrorist cell planned a "bloodbath" in Kansas, wanted to kill Muslim babies Cory Doctorow
usausausa Man who shot up "Draw Muhammad" event was urged to "tear up Texas" by undercover FBI agent Cory Doctorow
usausausa Southwest Airlines surrenders to racists, refuses boarding to Arab-American passengers Cory Doctorow
education Don't discuss the environment if you're brown and British (Ahmed Mohamed with UK characteristics) Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Watch Ahmed Mohamed's awesome press conference about being a rogue clockmaker in America Cory Doctorow
makers Notorious Islamophobic mayor of Irving, TX worried Ahmed Mohamed's arrest will negatively impact town police Cory Doctorow
Kids Making while brown: Texas schoolchild arrested for bringing homemade clock to school UPDATED Cory Doctorow
gwot Vox received no threats for supporting Hedbo, many threats for covering Islamophobia Cory Doctorow
privacy China will collect the DNA of every adult in Xinjiang province, where Uyghur people are systematically oppressed Cory Doctorow