Florida phonies Ron DeSantis poses as Christian but scrambled to find Amazon bible for photo op Carla Sinclair
canada Canadian artist gives journalist full access to witness her medically-assisted 'good death' Rusty Blazenhoff
photography Library of Congress asks: Who the hell are the mystery people in these photos? David Pescovitz
youtube Youtube's Content ID has become the tool of choice for grifty copyfraudsters who steal from artists Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The Sacklers come to Sesame Street as a muppet is revealed to have had an addicted mother Cory Doctorow
science fiction University of Kansas's Campbell Conference changes its name to the Gunn Center Conference Cory Doctorow
science fiction Read: Jeannette Ng's Campbell Award acceptance speech, in which she correctly identifies Campbell as a fascist and expresses solidarity with Hong Kong protesters Cory Doctorow
Business Blackmailers use false copyright claims to shut down victims' Youtube accounts, offer to lift them in exchange for Bitcoin Cory Doctorow
auditions Blondie fans: Here's Deborah Harry's old screen test for the 1980 movie Union City Carla Sinclair