likely stories MTA superintendent claims blow-up doll in his passenger seat is "for the company," not for carpool lane Mark Frauenfelder
likely stories Teenage boy opens package in front of his mother and is *shocked* to learn it's a bong Mark Frauenfelder
likely stories Garfield cartoonist denies Jon drinks a cup of dog semen in comic strip Mark Frauenfelder
likely stories Conservative Iranian television host spotted drinking beer in public without hijab Mark Frauenfelder
education Field trip to Willis Wonderland included in UCLA's summer kitsch & camp course Rusty Blazenhoff
science fiction Review: Paul Di Filippo trips the multiverse fantastic in "Vangie's Ghosts" Gareth Branwyn
owning the libs MAGA delirously blames Baltimore bridge collapse on the border… er, Covid … er, WW3 … (video) Carla Sinclair
politics GOP nominee shared violent fantasies about killing Biden over masks and televising Obama execution: meet Michele Morrow Mark Frauenfelder
Science I hear phantom music when I use a white noise machine, and I'm not alone: understanding auditory pareidolia Mark Frauenfelder
basic science Tourists in Arizona say they found a "magnetic portal" — but are actually flirting with death (video) Carla Sinclair
conspiracy theory The 2024 Santa Monica Film Festival was chock full of red-pilled conspiracy content Jennifer Sandlin