health Mystery brain disease affecting hundreds in Canada: memory loss, seizures, and behavioral changes Mark Frauenfelder
politics Poor little dictator's wife can't get her cancer treatment in London's posh hospitals Ellsworth Toohey
absurdity "Who the hell voted for 'Big Balls?!'" In other words, why does a DOGE teenager get to gut federal agencies, asks strategist Carla Sinclair
medical Man with perfect vision surprised when doctors discover a chopstick lodged behind his eye Allan Rose Hill
drugs FDA approves J&J's patented psychedelic esketamine for depression without requiring you take other antidepressants with it Allan Rose Hill
weird incidents LA couple terrified after "watermelon-size" ice chunk crashes through roof — JetBlue plays innocent, but FAA disagrees Carla Sinclair
public health As avian flu spreads, backyard chicken groups share conspiracy theories Jennifer Sandlin