crime FBI veteran charged with stalking after allegedly terrorizing law student for over a year Ellsworth Toohey
DRONES FBI seeks public's help identifying large mystery aircraft over New Jersey (video) Allan Rose Hill
donald trump Wake up and smell the autocracy — Trump is serious about dismantling American democracy Ellsworth Toohey
books Combat Heroes: the 1980s RPG gamebook craze got so wild they were implementing multiplayer grid-based dungeon crawlers in print Rob Beschizza
scams Undercover video exposes massive "Pig Butchering" romance scam center in Dubai Mark Frauenfelder
politics Trump's mental decline is on display as he declares a case that is not over, "OVER!" Jason Weisberger
tabloids Presidential perverts, Trump's feet, and Biden's medical crisis in last week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
christian nationalism In video, Christian lawmaker slams Ten Commandments school bill as "un-Christian, idolatrous, exclusionary, and arrogant" Mark Frauenfelder
tabloids Covid cover-up, UFO cover-up, and Trump's sadistic sex tapes in this week's dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan