drugs FDA approves J&J's patented psychedelic esketamine for depression without requiring you take other antidepressants with it Allan Rose Hill
drugs The first-ever patient in a Phase 3 medical study of LSD has successfully tripped balls Allan Rose Hill
drugs Tripping on psilocybin helped traumatized and depressed COVID-19 frontline healthcare workers Allan Rose Hill
drugs San Francisco's famed magic mushroom church closing doors, cites city government "harassment" Allan Rose Hill
drugs A magician-psychologist designed a study to trick sober participants into thinking they were tripping on psychedelics Allan Rose Hill
donald trump Short AI movie: What if Trump took psychedelics and dropped out of politics? Mark Frauenfelder
art Psychedelic film from the 1940s, featuring Bing Crosby, used to treat mental disorders David Pescovitz
drugs Ayahuasca trip helped rescuers find child survivors of Amazon plane crash, say volunteers and the kids' father David Pescovitz